
Meet ‘Em – Snayx

Coming out all-guns-blazing from visceral sets at The Great Escape and Download over the past couple of months, Snayx bring the heat to Notts on 18th October, so we sat down for a chat!

We’re really looking forward to welcoming SNAYX to the stage here at our place, how are you guys doing?

Hello mates! Great thanks. Just got home from playing 2000 Trees and Seaview Festival. I’ve been to a pub quiz at Bodega but never had the pleasure of attending/playing a gig here. Buzzing to play for you.

You’ve had a pretty amazing summer, Download Festival looked huge! Are you still riding the high from that show?

Download was the first festival I ever went to, so it felt quite special to open the 20th Anniversary edition to a fully packed Dogtooth stage. One of our favourite gigs ever.

How do you rate festival season compared to the more intimate headline gigs?

Festival or headline show it’s always a party. Festival season is really fun because we get to experience playing on bigger stages and to bigger audiences. It’s a really good opportunity to gain some new fans over summer and hopefully we’ll be seeing some familiar faces at our headline tour in October.

The new singles are sounding massive, focusing on really poignant themes. Do you think there’s been an increase in politically driven music recently? It feels like there’s a really necessity for it right now.

We can thank Jamie Hall of Tigercub for that. He produced and recorded both tracks.

Politically driven music is absolutely needed right now, which is a massive shame but it’s good to see bands using their platforms to speak up to try and make a change. The last few years have been particularly tough for so many different reasons no thanks to our government and other people in power. It’s important that we vocalise these issues through our music so that we can contribute to impacting a positive change.

How do the three of you go about crafting the tunes? Does it stem from a riff or lyrics, or does it just kind of happen?

A riff, a drum beat, an idea you’ll get in the shower and have to rush out to find your phone and record it into voice notes. Anything goes.

Lastly before you go, if there’s one thing you could never get rid of from your live setup what would it be?

A towel.

Catch Snayx at The Bodega on the 18th October, tickets on sale now.





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