
Jade Bird Interview

‘Something American’ is a debut EP that showcases a distinctive new artist who emphasizes melodic craft and emotional subtlety. That EP comes from Jade Bird, a London-based singer-songwriter who is receiving praise internationally for her delicate and honest folk/country blend. She may only have one EP released, but she’s shortlisted for the BBC Sound of 2018 Poll, made the Radio 1 playlist and had her US TV debut on The Late Show. We had a chat with Jade ahead of her upcoming tour which features a stop at The Bodega on 2nd March.

Hey Jade! Looking forward to having you here next year but for those who haven’t yet heard you, what can they expect from the show?

Some good music, a good laugh and a bit of sass 😉

Being included in the BBC Sound Poll must’ve been a great way to end the year! What did you get up to in celebration?

Well, insert rock ‘n’ roll story here *I was actually on tour*, so I had a nice long drive and some whiskey on the way back. I’ll be sure to have a few more on Christmas to have a late celebration though!

You’ve recently sold out your London show at Omeara and made your US TV debut, what else are you hoping to achieve in 2018?

Well, I’d absolutely love to sell out my first headline tour – that would be the dream. I’ll also be putting out my first ‘proper’ video, so that’ll be exciting too…

The debut EP ‘Something American’ has elements of Americana, country, folk and even glimpses of pop. Where did the inspiration for your sound come from?

I’ve got quite the pool of inspirations. I love great songwriters, that seems to be the running thread. Be it Howlin’ Wolf, Elliott Smith or Chris Stapleton. Some more favourites of mine are Ryan Adams and Alanis Morissette; I think I just like really honest writing too, stuff that you wished you written.


Cathedral has recently been added to the Radio 1 Playlist! How’s new material shaping up? Will we hear any before the tour?

Absolutely!! We have something VERY special coming in January, it’s quite a leap in my music, I feel like it’s really evolved and I just can’t wait to share that.

Rolling Stone have recently named you “a country artist you need to know”. How does it feel to have the support from huge names like Rolling Stone and BBC?

I’ve always been someone whose very confident in their vision but having such recognition can really give me a nudge to be like ‘you’re on the right track’, and that allows me to be more ambitious with my writing and my musical journey. So it’s hugely flattering!

And finally, if you could just play one song on one stage for the rest of your life, what would you play and where?

Great question! If it was a song of mine I’d say ‘What Am I Here For’. It’s not too strenuous to play for the rest of my life hahaha. I’d pick the Royal Albert Hall too. I’d probably do it in different accents just to keep it interesting.

Jade Bird will be at The Bodega in Nottingham on 2nd March 2018 –TICKETS

Check out ‘Cathedral’ live from Omeara here





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